TENTRANS Workshop an official side event at Windaba 2019

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TENTRANS Workshop an official side event at Windaba 2019

The research project on ‘Tendering Sustainable energy Transition’ also known as TENTRANS will present a workshop at the 9th Annual Windaba Conference and Exhibition. One of two side-events hosted by Windaba, the TENTRANS Workshop aims to provide for an opportunity to interrogate its research and make suggestions for how to guide it going forward.

The research project currently examines how South Africa’s REIPPP programme is designed and how it interacts with national industrial development and local economic development. As the largest and first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa, REIPPPP offers valuable academic and policy-relevant insights for other countries across the continent and globally that are in the process of designing and adopting similar RE tendering schemes.

The Workshop discussions will be based on three project work packages, which will each present their emerging research findings. TENTRANS is supported by industry through the South African Wind Energy Association(SAWEA) and its counterpart the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA). Other collaborators include the Denmark-based UNEP DTU Partnership, the Danish Technical University (DTU) Wind, the Danish Institute for International Studies, University of Cape Town and Stellenbosch University.

Join moderator Ntombifuthi Ntuli, Chief Executive Officer, South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) as the facilitator of this crucial side event: “TENTRANS Workshop”

Ntombifuthi Ntuli
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA)

Wednesday, 9 October 2019: 09:00 – 11:00
Venue: Orchid, CTICC 2
Cost: Complimentary to all Windaba delegates and registered visitors

Ivan Nygaard
Chief Scientific Advisor,
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Dr Holle Linea Wlokas
CST, Stellenbosch University (SUN)
Wikus Kruger
Junior Researcher & PhD Candidate,

University of Cape Town (UCT)

Glenn Robbins
Research Associate,
PRISM, University of Cape Town (UCT)

To find out more about Windaba 2019, visit www.windaba.co.za.

To register click here, or call Louise: 011 214 0664, louise@windaba.co.za or Yolanda 021 448 5226, yolanda@windaba.co.za.


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