Mining and Renewable Power Workshop an Official side event at Windaba 2019 Through the Renewable Energy IPP Procurement (REIPPP) programme, renewable energy has demonstrated a proven track record as a meaningful contributor to South Africa’s economic development. The mining sector, in jurisdictions such as Chile and Australia have fully embraced the use of wind and solar IPPs into their mining operations and South African companies such as Anglo American and Glencore already integrated wind and solar IPPs into mining projects. The opportunities are obvious – rapidly falling renewable energy costs can act as a hedge against rapidly increasing wholesale electricity prices, and with the IEA and IRENA forecasting that >50% of global electricity will be generated by wind, solar and battery storage, the fact that South Africa is blessed with significant reserves of the top 40 metals and minerals employed in renewable energy, battery storage and electric vehicle manufacturing value chains. The potential of combining South Africa’s world class wind and solar and mineral endowments will truly underscore the statement the mining is a sunrise industry. In June 2019, it was proclaimed by the President of the Republic of South Africa, His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa that the Department of Mineral Resources and Department of Energy would merge into a single department. This merger presents a unique opportunity for the two key sectors of Mining and Renewable Energy to work collaboratively in achieving a strengthened domestic economy Windaba Conference and exhibition, ‘Africa’s premier wind Energy platform’ will this year host a Side-Event entitled: Renewable energy’s contribution to South Africa’s Mining Sector. The aim of the side event is to be consistent with President Ramaphosa’s vision of a ‘re-imagined’ industrial strategy as articulated in his State of the Nation Address. The session that will be held on Wednesday,9 October at the CTICC2 and will set out how South Africa can successfully deploy renewable energy to support the mineral resources sector, encourage investment and bolster job creation. Join moderator Mike Levington, Managing Director, Navitas Holdings, as the facilitator for this crucial side event: “Renewable Energy’s contribution to Africa’s Mining Sector”
Tuesday, 9 October 2019
The “Renewable Energy’s contribution to Africa’s Mining Sector” side event will be complimentary to registered Windaba delegates. The Fee for Non-Windaba delegates is R1500. Register here to book your seat at the side event or visit the Windaba website for more information. Exhibition space is still available to showcase your market leadership with several innovative products on the way to support your existing value chain. Our team will assist to ensure that you are able to enhance your brand visibility. We also still have SMME stands available to get your development points. Call our team for more information: |