Final report of a study into the value proposition of Distributed Generation Renewable Energy (DG RE)

At the end of 2018 SAWEA appointed a team of multi-disciplinary consultants to carry-out a study that investigates the value proposition of DG RE with a particular emphasis on wind and solar PV technologies. The study examined the following:

  1. The rationale behind the anticipated increase in DG RE and the potential contracting structures to facilitate electricity sales between IPPs and Munics/customers.
  2. The impact on operations at local (municipal) level and national (Eskom) level.
  3. A detailed assessment of the commercial impact of increasing levels of DG RE on customers, municipalities and Eskom.
  4. A high-level assessment of the impact on the National Fiscus as well as Local Economic Development.
  5. The study also included a case study review of existing bilateral transactions.

Download the report to view findings.