Round Table 3

Collaboration for Scale and Impact was hosted by the African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM) on the 26th August 2016.

Each renewable energy IPP in the country invests a percentage of revenue into socio-economic development (SED) initiatives. Some IPP also invest in enterprise development (ED) measures. Increasingly, IPP’s are interested to collaborate on these efforts. This roundtable discussed how collaboration can support the scaling-up and replication of successful local development initiatives. Participants and speakers identified various forms of collaboration and discussed success and hindering factors. Companies proposed concrete opportunities for collaboration based on SED initiatives that already impact communities positively.

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Round Table 2

Supporting sound community trusts- establishment, governance and operations, hosted at the Industrial Development Corporation on the 23rd May 2016.

Renewables projects have to comply with socio-economic development (SED) and enterprise development (ED) and also local ownership obligations. The latter requires projects to establish a legal entity representing a beneficiary community. Most projects opt to establish a community trust for this purpose. The role of this trust in the wider community engagement and development work of projects ishowever flexible. Depending on project location, beneficiary community characteristics and funder conditions, the formation and governance of these trusts tend todiffer a lot. This roundtable discussion unpacked and further explored the prerequisites of successful community trusts through the work with selected case studies from within the renewables and mining sectors.

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Round Table 1

Managing Community Unrest Resulting From Political Lobbying For Municipal Elections 2016, hosted at Mainstream Renewable Power on the 26th April 2016

The purpose of this roundtable conversation was to identify risks resulting from increased tensions within the community due to upcoming municipal elections that may impact on the construction and operations activities of ipps, including the implementation of socioeconomic development (sed) and enterprise development (ed) initiatives. The discussion analyse incidents that are likely to occur and shared insights on general mitigation strategies that can be applied by individual projects.

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